Lisa Lachlan-Haché
Lisa Lachlan-Haché (llachlan@air.org) is director of strategic partnerships at the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders.
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How districts and states are addressing teacher turnover
Open your morning news app, and you’ll likely find an article that suggests the teaching profession is in crisis. Headlines shout, “Never seen it this bad” (Walker, 2021). Reports highlight the status of the teaching profession is at a 50-year low, noting sobering statistics about low teacher morale, the loss […] -
To achieve equity, build a diverse workforce
Increasing the racial diversity of the teaching workforce is an urgent priority. Policymakers and educators are advocating for more people of color in teaching and leadership positions. We at the Center on Great Teachers and Leaders (GTL Center) agree racial diversity is paramount for building a more equitable education system. […]