
The role of principal supervisors in challenging times: Focus on teaching and learning

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Now more than ever, it’s critical that principals have the skills and supports they need to ensure exceptional teaching and learning in their buildings every day. During this discussion, panelists will unpack a Wallace Foundation-funded study on the role of the principal supervisor and explore how individuals in that role support principals to become effective instructional leaders.

Participants will:

  • Explore key concepts from the Vanderbilt and Mathematica report: Changing the Principal Supervisor Role to Better Support Principals;
  • Consider the actions principal supervisors can take to better support principals, especially during these challenging times; and
  • Explore actions districts took to better structure and support the role of the principal supervisor.

Image for aesthetic effect only - Andy-cole-150x188-1
Consultant at The Wallace Foundation | + posts
Image for aesthetic effect only - Ellen-goldring-150x188-1
Executive Associate Dean at Vanderbilt | + posts
Image for aesthetic effect only - Rudy-jimenez-150x187-1
Assistant Superintendent at North East ISD | + posts
Image for aesthetic effect only - Brent-brummet-150x188-1
Executive Director for School Administration at North East ISD | + posts

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