
Shifting from random acts of PD to a professional learning system

Standards week 2024 webinar thumbnails(2)

Standards Week featured a daily 30-minute high-impact dose of standards-based improvement insights.
This year’s Standards for Professional Learning Week showcased educational leaders and field practitioners in various roles who  shared how effective educator professional learning can provide solutions to many of today’s challenges in K-12 education.

Leigh ann bradshaw headshot
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Leigh Ann Bradshawis is the associate superintendent/senior executive director of professional learning at Orange County Public Schools (OCPS). Her responsibilities encompass a wide range of critical areas, including leadership development, instructional development, induction, evaluation systems and the instructional framework, executive coaching, and parent and family engagement. Her journey in education began in 1993 as a teacher, and she has since held various roles, including resource teacher, assistant principal, principal, and school turnaround director. Bradshawis has also served as an executive cabinet leader within OCPS, holding positions such as executive area director in the High School Office, and area superintendent in the East Learning Community.

Claire steele headshot
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Claire Steele is the director of instructional development in the Orange County Public Schools (OCPS) Professional Learning Department. She leads the work of induction, mentoring, alternative certification, and instructional coaching. Claire began her journey in education in 2009 as a kindergarten teacher at a high-needs school and she has since held various roles, including third-grade teacher, math resource teacher, MTSS coach, program specialist, senior administrator, and director. Claire also works with professional learning across the state of Florida, serving on the Board of Directors for Learning Forward Florida, the state affiliate of Learning Forward.

Paul Fleming
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Paul Fleming serves as chief learning officer at Learning Forward. His current areas of focus include leading the effective implementation of the revised Standards for Professional Learning and corresponding tools, the expansion of our professional services and leadership and learning series teams, and multiple consulting projects with states and districts to increase educator and leader effectiveness through equity-focused, high quality professional learning.

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