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    Engaging young children and their families: Best practices for remote and hybrid learning

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    Whether online or in-person, young children’s learning is grounded in engaging interactions and relationships. What should that look like in the era of remote, hybrid, and physically distanced teaching? In this webinar, panelists will share strategies for engaging young children (Pre-K to grade 3) and their families during these challenging times to lay the foundation for long-term success.

    Participants will:

    • Reflect on the importance of interactions and relationships for young children’s learning;
    • Discover strategies for building positive relationships and productive interactions during distance and hybrid learning;
    • Learn about the CLASS framework for understanding and measuring high-quality interactions;
    • Explore why family engagement is more important than ever; and
    • Gain strategies for building relationships with families and engaging them to support children’s learning.

    Dominique McCain
    Managing Director at The Commit Partnership | + posts
    Image for aesthetic effect only - Kristin-valdes-118x148-1
    Senior Multimedia Instructional Designer at Teachstone | + posts
    Cecelia Doyle
    Early Learning Coordinator at South Washington County Public Schools | + posts

    Cecelia Doyle is the early learning coordinator at South Washington County Public Schools in Minnesota where she coaches more than 30 preschool teachers in best practices to close the opportunity gap. She was dean of the school of education at Rasmussen College where she grew the program from 4 to 24 campuses and nationally online while innovating a workforce credentialing program that celebrated 3,000 early childhood graduates.

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