Search Result (2487)
Data points
3 percentage point increase in math with professional learning Passing rates increased 3 to 4 percentage points for Chicago Public Schools middle schoolers when their teachers part..
We can change hearts and minds to change schools
As I begin my tenure as president and CEO of Learning Forward, I am honored to work with all members of the Learning Forward community to collectively achieve equitable and excellent outcomes for all ..
Learning Forward Affiliates lead the way to adopting standards
Since the release of the revised Standards for Professional Learning in April, Learning Forward has been providing resources and support for educators to adopt and implement the standards in a variety..
Mentor support can ease the teacher retention crisis
When I was a new teacher, I spent my day asking questions — from how to use the copier to how to reach a struggling student and everything in between. It was sometimes exhausting. I felt like I was ..
What I wish I had known as a new teacher
I remember my first year of teaching high school English language arts in northern California in fall 1997. I was hired three months before I finished my teaching credential program and only two month..
The urgent need to recruit and retain Black male teachers
I knew even before I landed my first teaching position that my presence as a Black male educator was going to matter. My main purpose for entering the education ranks was to inform, inspire, and empow..
Are you modeling the collaboration skills new teachers need?
New teacher support is a common part of professional learning, but it varies across states, provinces, and regions. When I was a new teacher coach in California for 16 years, I followed the California..
New online course schedule
Gain guidance from Learning Forward’s top practitioners and consultants, previously only available to districts, as they lead the highest-quality online learning experiences. Visit ..
Why I make Learning Forward’s conference a priority
How she got involved with Learning Forward: Around 2008, when I was a principal in northern California, a mentor introduced me and several of our colleagues to Shirley H..
Justify Your Attendance kit
We’ve created a Justify Your Attendance kit to help you build a persuasive argument for attending Learning Forward’s 2022 Annual Conference with your supervisors and colleagues. Inside the kit,..