Search Result (2487)
Central office plants the seeds
Every April, the staff of Stilwell Junior High School (West DesMoines, Iowa) spend a day analyzing student data together. Staff members consider standardized tests scores, look at item-by-item results..
6 steps to learning leadership
A generation of principals has heard the mantra that they should be instructional leaders, but rarely have they been encouraged to be learning leaders. While an instructional leader pays attention to..
Collaborative culture
I became superintendent in July 2001, succeeding a superintendent who had the confidence and respect of the district. He was wonderfully supportive of me, and we shared a common devotion to our school..
Create a conversation
Before there were meetings, planning processes, or any other techniques, there was conversation—people sitting around, interested in each other, talking together,” writes Margaret Wheatley (2002)...
The new central office plays a key role in ensuring effective professional learning
At one time in my career, I became the first director of staff development in my school district. Before I filled that role, planning inservice was the responsibility of the assistant superintendent f..
The can-do central office
To the leadership of almost any school district and its supporting staff, the educational challenges are clear: 1) Reduce the achievement gap among students; 2) increase the graduation rate; and 3) at..
From the editor
As Hayes Mizell writes (p. 46), the central office is not just a place — it’s a state of mind. As such, we have an obligation to pay careful attention to our expectations and perceptions of the ce..
Q&A with Beverly Hall
JSD: In today’s large urban school systems, how does the central office best support a focus on teaching and learning that helps all students? How have roles changed over the last several ye..
During more than a decade leading Atlanta (Ga.) Public Schools, Superintendent Beverly Hall has sustained a focus on moving district leaders’ attention to teaching and learning. As a resul..
Creating norms
This activity enables a team to develop a set of operating norms or ground rules. preparation: Before the meeting, write the list of norms at the right on a sheet of chart paper and post on the meetin..