Search Result (2487)
Empowerment Zone
A veteran high school teacher, a midcareer 2nd-grade teacher, and a newly tenured middle school teacher carefully considered their applications for the Northern Valley Schools Curriculum Consortiumâ€..
Critical Conditions
The Boston Teacher Leadership Certificate program was designed in 2010 to build the capacity of Boston’s teachers to be stronger professional resources for one another, their schools, and district r..
Teachers Rally Around Writing
Emerging leaders across the country accept principal positions with courage and conviction about what’s right for their teachers and their students, and they quickly learn that the task at hand cann..
Partners In learning
New educator evaluation systems demand a focus on effective teaching and learning while promoting the professional growth of all teachers. Districts experiencing successful implementation of these ..
Up Close
5 Practices of Effective Principals What exactly is it that effective principals do that ripples through classrooms and boosts learning, especially in failing schools? Since 2000, The Wall..
Top Skills For Tough Conversations
To ensure that all students learn at high levels, teachers must collaborate with colleagues to examine student achievement data, plan or adjust instruction, and track student progress (Schmoker, 2006)..
Weave Data Into Learning
During a dialogue in a course for aspiring principals, I laughingly shared a story from my days as a middle school teacher as an example of ineffective professional learning. The district had purchase..
From The Director
We have all heard these criticisms of professional development: Too many teachers complain it is ineffective and a waste of their time; too little research documents its impact on educator practice or..
The Impact Factor: Why we can’t neglect professional learning evaluation. By Stephanie Hirsh The Standards for Professional Learning and the guidanc..