Search Result (2487)
Literacy Mash-Up
In our work with middle and high schools, we often find teachers and leaders grappling with the same set of essential questions on how to incorporate literacy instruction across content areas: ..
Common Goal Unites District
It was the morning of the last social studies content-area literacy studio of the year. Five middle and high school social studies teacher leaders, the high school principal, the superintendent for in..
Tailored For A Perfect Fit
Susana Velasco always thought she designed lessons for her kindergarten students to help them meet the academic standards for their grade. But now she feels better equipped to adapt instruction to mee..
Power Plan
“There’s still a question on the table. How can we get our students to read more and better? I mean, they read what they have to, and they’re doing OK. But how do we ensure that they are rea..
Smart Currency
Policymakers and education professionals have emphasized the importance of literacy in a global economy many times this century — in no instance more directly than when a young U.S. senator from Ill..
Up Close: Make The Connection
Sometimes Learning Forward’s tight focus on the Standards for Professional Learning as the fundamental building blocks for meaningful educator learning can lead members to ask a logical question: Wh..
Standards Connect The Dots Between Teaching And Learning
Have you ever wondered about the impetus for professional learning standards? Here is my view of how professional learning has come to be seen as one of the most powerful strategies for ensuring a gre..
Discover the Possibilities. By Eric Celeste Undergirding Learning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning is this premise: The purpose of professional le..
Fort Bend Isd Partners With Learning Forward
This spring, Learning Forward will launch a 10-month partnership with Fort Bend Independent School District in Texas to develop a comprehensive professional learning plan that will guide educator lear..