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    Research and Reports

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    Meet the Promise of Content Standards: The Role of Technology for Teacher and Student Learning

    September 30, 2017

    Understand how teachers use technology to implement Common Core, increase their instructional effectiveness, and support student learning. This brief describes the experiences of a small group of Kentucky teachers who participated in a study in which they applied technology solutions to support their own learning and that of their students. The brief includes several general observations about technology use based on the study, as well as recommendations for action for those in various roles.

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    Meet the Promise of Content Standards: Professional Learning Required

    September 30, 2017

    An informative brief on the critical role that professional learning plays in implementing content standards. Outlining a vision for educators supported through high-quality professional learning, the brief describes elements of effective professional learning as well as recommendations for action for educators at the federal, state, system, school, and individual level.

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    Meet the Promise of Content Standards: Investing in Professional Learning

    September 30, 2017

    This brief details the critical attributes of professional learning necessary to achieve the vision of Common Core standards, and addresses the need for long-term commitment and resource investments from the nation and each state to achieve that vision. The brief explores calls attention to the urgent need for schools, districts, states, regional and national education agencies, and education vendors to change the allocation and application of professional learning resources. It also recommends new investments for states, districts, and school leaders to make in professional learning.

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    Meet the Promise of Content Standards: Tapping Technology to Enhance Professional Learning

    September 30, 2017

    More stakeholders are turning to technology to advance the professional learning required to support new standards and evaluation systems. Yet how technology is used will determine its potential to influence educator practice and results for students. This brief outlines how technology can enhance professional learning, offers examples of how technology is being used to meet the demand generated by Common Core standards, provides guidelines for selecting and using technology as a resource for professional learning, and identifies common challenges and ways to avoid them.

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    Seizing the Moment: State Lessons for Transforming Professional Learning

    September 30, 2017

    Explore this first look at lessons learned through Learning Forward’s ongoing initiative to develop a comprehensive system of professional learning that spans the distance from the statehouse to the classroom. This policy brief underscores the importance of a coordinated state professional learning strategy, the adoption of professional learning standards, the value of assessing the quality of professional development being used, and strategies for leveraging state leadership to drive improvements at the regional and district level.

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    Professional Learning Policy Review: A Workbook for States and Districts

    September 30, 2017

    Designed to assist states and districts in conducting a self-guided review of current professional learning policies, this workbook presents a six-phase process for the review and includes 29 tools to facilitate the entire process as well as links to resources for accessing and studying professional learning policies. The tools include recommendations for leadership team members, meeting agendas, protocols, analysis guides, report outlines, and follow-up timelines.

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