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    The challenge for educators

    Seattle's superintendent outlines social justice priorities and their importance in efforts to close the achievement gap

    By Learning Forward
    Categories: Reaching all students
    August 2010
    What will it take? We all are so familiar with the impact that culture, race, and language have on all of us. The literature is so clear on the development of language in preschool-age children, the impact of race and white privilege on how children are treated by middle-class adults, who make up the majority of our teaching force. culture, race, and language are now the global keys to our children’s future and success. Our children need to be biliterate and bicultural when they graduate from our public schools, yet we still don’t seamlessly integrate culture, race, and language into our professional development expectations for all children. in Seattle, we are trying and will continue. what will it take? In Seattle, we have already done at least three disproportionality studies in six years. we don’t need any more data. what

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    Seattle Superintendent Maria Goodloe-Johnson spoke at NSDC’s 2010 Summer Conference in Seattle in July. Goodloe-Johnson shared her insights on the role of professional learning in reaching all students in a diverse urban district. Below are selected excerpts.

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    Learning Forward is the only professional association devoted exclusively to those who work in educator professional development. We help our members plan, implement, and measure high-quality professional learning so they can achieve success with their systems, schools, and students.

    Categories: Reaching all students

    The Learning Professional

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