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    Anchors for resilience

    Strategies and routines resilient leaders use to balance competing priorities

    By Anthony Kim, Tomás Hanna and José Dotres
    Categories: Leadership, Learning communities, Learning designs, School leadership, Social & emotional learning, System leadership, Teacher leadership
    October 2019
    Vol. 40, No. 5
    Demands on education leaders are changing rapidly, and being a leader isn’t getting any easier. Principals, superintendents, and others are pulled and stretched in many directions by staff, parents, community members, and school boards, as well as their own families. Leaders’ roles require them to have an attention to detail, an ability to be strategic and disciplined, and the skills to connect emotionally with others — and to do so all at the same time, and even in trying times. In this context, resilience is a crucial component of effective leadership. Resilience is made up of mindset and behaviors. It is predicated on the belief that setbacks are temporary and create opportunities to learn. It begins with optimism, mindfulness, clarity about the work to be

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    Anthony Kim, Tomás Hanna, and José Dotres

    Anthony Kim (anthony@edelments.com) is CEO and founder of Education Elements in San Carlos, California. Tomás Hanna (thanna@schools.nyc.gov) is chief human capital officer at the New York City Department of Education. José Dotres (jdotres@dadeschools.net) is chief human capital officer at Miami-Dade County Public Schools in Florida.


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    Categories: Leadership, Learning communities, Learning designs, School leadership, Social & emotional learning, System leadership, Teacher leadership

    The Learning Professional

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