
Professional learning journey's

April 2011
Vol. 32 No. 2

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The Learning Professional

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In This Issue


The Power Of Connectivity 

Every teacher knows that exposure to new information is one small part in the teaching and learning process. Before students truly learn a concept, they must actively engage with material […]

Think Outside The Clock 

For most teachers and parents, education prime time takes place in the weekday hours between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. from roughly Labor Day to Memorial Day. But in recent […]

A Call To Members 

So far, discussions on improving teacher effectiveness focus on recruitment and teacher evaluation. While these are important, policy makers need to pay adequate attention to improving teaching effectiveness of the […]

Policy Update From Washington 

Learning Forward Policy Advisor There’s a fresh push by the White House and U.S. Department of Education to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, known as No Child Left […]

On Board 

It has been my experience that when respected voices in the educational community start talking about professional development being transformational or revolutionary, I had better hold onto my seat. My […]

Newest Team Member To Oversee Special Projects 

Learning Forward is pleased to announce the appointment of Jacqueline Kennedy as its new associate director of special projects. “I’m excited that we can so effectively expand our capacity to […] 

Join Us On The Blog Travel to the home page to see the latest blog titles and postings. The blog, now hosted in partnership with Education Week’s Teacher web site, […]

From The Director 

Schools, like professional development systems, are at different stages in achieving their intended outcomes. I look forward to a time when all schools are much further on their journey toward […]


Sharing Up, Down, and Sideways: Alliance is a driving force in reshaping New Jersey vocational school. By Valerie von Frank School-based learning teams, supported in part by Learning Forward’s Learning School […]

Collaborative Culture 

Difficult conversations — all principals have to have them. In the past, I dreaded them and would fret about them for days. Yet my confidence has significantly improved as I […]

Cultural Proficiency 

In our last column, we wrote about the need to expand the notion of cultural proficiency to explicitly address diversity in all its forms. As we continue to focus on […]

Classroom Visits 

Educators who have opportunities to collaborate with their peers through classroom visits or lesson observations will benefit from intentional planning. The four tools below offer suggestions and prompts for classroom […]

To Tackle New Problems, We're Going To Need New Solutions 

More and more, the educators I work with recognize that schools will need to become different, not just better, to help students meet the challenges of the future. These educators […]

The Way Up, Down Under 

Professor John Rice, a pioneer of the Australian Science and Mathematics School (ASMS), posed the question: “How does teaching and learning in schools today speak to students about satellite navigation, […]

2 Lanes To Leadership 

Like many school districts across the nation, Solon (Ohio) City Schools is committed to improving the quality and depth of student learning while simultaneously fostering the growth of leadership in […]

Despite Rough Seas, Teachers In Rural Maine Swim Together 

When I became principal of Acton Elementary School in Acton, Maine, in 2003, I spent the summer interviewing staff members. Staff in this small, rural elementary school overwhelmingly expressed a […]

Archdiocese Puts Its Faith In External Coaches 

In today’s workplace, the ability to solve complex problems, think critically, and engage in continuous, self-directed learning is essential. Recognizing that providing the kind of education that fosters such abilities […]

Sharing Up, Down, And Sideways 

In Essex County, N.J., whose county seat is Newark, students have the option of attending one of four vocational high schools. The Essex County Vocational School District draws students from […]

Lessons From Bhutan 

Nestled in the Himalayan Mountains, Bhutan, a Buddhist country, is one of the most isolated nations in the world. After spending a month there, we all agreed it deserved its […]


Spotlighting Student Assessment  Building Professional Development to Support New Student Assessment Systems Arabella Philanthropic Advisors, January 2011 Authored by Stephanie Hirsh, this white paper is one of several by noted […]

From the Editor 

I recently read a blog post in The New York Times about the advances resulting from what medical professionals term evidence-based medicine. In evidence-based medicine, decisions about medical care are […]


Tools for Transformation Past issues of Learning Forward’s newsletters have emphasized strategies that help schools and systems on their journeys to improve teaching and learning. See several recent issues for […]

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