

What's Best For Our Students?

By Learning Forward
October 2012
Vol. 33 No. 5
Monte Vista Elementary School is one of 24 K-5 elementary schools in Las Cruces Public Schools, an urban district in southern New Mexico. The school’s 450 students reflect the diversity of its Southwestern community: 75% Hispanic, 17% English language learners, and 68% free or reduced lunch, thus qualifying Monte Vista as a Title I school. Monte Vista opened in August 2010 under the leadership of principal Theresa Jaramillo-Jones with a staff committed to making a difference for the community through a focus on student and professional learning, shared and supportive leadership for all students and teachers, and collaborative professional learning ensuring high achievement for all students. Since that time, Monte Vista has exemplified Learning Forward’s Outcomes standard, which states: Professional learning that increases educator effectiveness

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Cathy Kinzer and Laura Taft

Cathy Kinzer ( is a mathematics educator at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, N.M. Laura Taft ( is an instructional specialist at Monte Vista Elementary School in Las Cruces, N.M.


How Monte Vista Compares to Other Schools

Evidence of Support for Learning

Monte Vista has an infrastructure that supports professional and student learning.

Purposeful, ongoing collaboration is vital and a central priority in the schedule (i.e. when students are attending library, physical education, technology, and literacy/numeracy support).

Because of the culture of collaboration, teachers see time working together as desirable and essential as professionals sharing their practices.

Teachers develop grade-level team lesson plans together, and all teachers in a grade level teach using the same lesson plans with the same content standards and student learning objectives on a daily basis. Teams submit one weekly lesson plan together. What they all teach is the same, but how they teach it varies based on individual teacher strengths and styles. However, if one teacher has outstanding results in student learning or high levels of success with a particular style or using a certain resource, this is shared with colleagues because — regardless of personal preferences or styles — everything is based on student learning results.

Monte Vista’s Culture of Collaboration

The principal, learning coach, and teachers monitor progress toward shared commitments and academic goals.

Professional learning uses a variety of data to understand student thinking and then determine next steps.

Educators are accountable to students and to each other as teachers.

Studying and sharing practices through a professional learning and teaching cycle connects the learning community to the classroom and provides a process to improve teaching and learning.


Learning Forward. (2011). Standards for Professional Learning. Oxford, OH: Author.

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