
Book Club

High Expectations Teaching: How We Persuade Students to Believe and Act on "Smart is Something You Can Get"

By Jon Saphier
Categories: Continuous improvement
October 2016
Vol. 37 No. 5
High Expectations Teaching: How We Persuade Students to Believe and Act on “Smart is Something You Can Get” By Jon Saphier High Expectations Teaching is an assets-based approach to advancing student achievement by helping students believe that “smart is something you can get” and that one’s ability to do something is based on the effort extended to build it. Author Jon Saphier debunks the myth of fixed intelligence by presenting evidence that effort creates ability. He emphasizes the critical importance of teacher language in building student self-confidence, promoting healthy risk tasking, and perseverance. High Expectations Teaching can serve as a catalyst for educational equity by helping teachers uncover biases that hamper their effectiveness with struggling students. Case studies highlight experiences of teachers and administrators who worked

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