
A World Of Ideas

International survey gives a voice to teachers everywhere

By Learning Forward
June 2013
SD: Could you give us an overview of the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS)?  Kristen Weatherby: TALIS was started in 2008. It was created to fill gaps in international data around teachers and teaching, but it also looks at teacher working conditions and learning environments. So it gives teachers a voice. In the TALIS survey, teachers are encouraged to talk about their own experiences in their schools and as teachers. JSD: What does TALIS tell us about professional learning?  Weatherby: In TALIS 2008, (see links to web resources from the study in the box on p. 26) we looked at professional development in particular, and we asked teachers about the kinds of professional development experiences they have access to. We asked them, for example,

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Tracy Crow

Tracy Crow ( is Learning Forward’s director of communications.

Kristen Weatherby (kristen.weatherby@oecd. org) is a senior policy analyst at OECD in the education directorate. She runs the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) and is author or co-author of publications and blog posts on TALIS and teachers. She started her career as a classroom teacher in the United States before working in education in the private sector in the U.S. and United Kingdom.

Selected Resources

The reports below showcase the data and information highlighted in the discussion with Weatherby and lead to other resources useful in understanding international contexts and conditions.

OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2008

The website offers an overview of the 2008 TALIS survey, detailing how the survey was conducted and outlining results by category: school leadership, recognizing and rewarding teaching, professional development, and teaching practices and beliefs. Also includes links to TALIS questionnaires, reports and databases.

Teaching Practices and Pedagogical Innovation: Evidence from TALIS

Using TALIS data, the report identifies and arranges profiles in relation to two areas: classroom teaching practices and participation in professional learning communities. It compares these profiles across different educational systems and examines evidence and links to inputs and processes.

2013 International Summit on the Teaching Profession

The website for the summit gives an overview of the summit’s agenda and discussion topics, with links to video, webinars, publications, and policy briefs.

Teachers for the 21st Century: Using Evaluation to Improve Teaching

The background report on the 2013 International Summit on the Teaching Profession outlines available research about effective approaches to teacher appraisal and examples of reforms that have produced specific results, show promise, or illustrate imaginative ways of implementing change.

OECD Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2013

TALIS 2013 surveys teachers and principals of lower secondary education. The website gives an overview of the survey and links to a conceptual framework with details about the survey’s content focus.

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