

Inspire and support educators to create positive school environments

By Jay Schroder
Categories: Collaboration, Learning communities, Social & emotional learning
June 2024
Nominated by Sunshine Damico-Ivy and Maureen Loomis Jay Schroder is an implementation coach for the Southern Oregon Regional Educator Network (SOREN). In this role, he supports SOREN’s mission to create affirming school environments where all adults and children feel safe and know they matter and belong. In her nomination, math teacher Sunshine Damico-Ivy noted how “Jay demonstrates exceptional compassion and leadership in his roles supporting educators and students.” Schroder, a teacher for 24 years, was acknowledged for pursuing excellence with awards from the Oregon Council of Teachers of English and the National Council of Teachers of English. Schroder shifted to facilitating professional learning for teachers after observing how the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated existing education system challenges. He felt he could have a broader positive impact

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Jay schroder
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Jay Schroder has taught high school English and social studies for 24 years. He’s the author of  Teach from Your Best Self: A Teacher’s Guide to Thriving in the Classroom and has received both the Oregon Council of Teachers of English and the National Council of Teachers of English High School Teacher of Excellence Awards. He currently works for the Southern Oregon Regional Educator Network (SOREN) leading Teach from Your Best Self professional learning.

Categories: Collaboration, Learning communities, Social & emotional learning

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