

The Perfect Mix

With blended professional learning, learners choose time, place, path, and pace

By Amie Cieminski and Deagan Andrews
February 2018
Vol. 39 No. 1
Cathy Nelson is a pioneer. She says she likes leading change and will try new methods to get improved results for the students and staff at the elementary school where she is principal. Three years ago, Nelson heard about blended learning as a way to integrate technology and teacher-led instruction in the classroom and was hopeful that blended learning might produce better learning outcomes for students at Meeker Elementary in Greeley, Colorado. She participated in individual and collective learning with her staff as they participated in book studies, online courses, school visits, and collaborative discussions. She attended our principal leadership in blended learning program and collaborated with other principals and district leaders. Meanwhile, her assistant principal worked on getting more computers for their school. They

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Amie Cieminski and Deagan Andrews

Amie Cieminski ( is assistant professor of educational leadership and policy studies at the University of Northern Colorado. Deagan Andrews ( is director of instructional technology for the Greeley-Evans School District 6 in Greeley, Colorado.

For more information on blended learning, check out these resources:
• What is blended learning?:
• Blended learning resource library:
• Personalized learning resources:
• Leadership in blended learning at the Friday Institute for Educational Innovation:
• Greeley-Evans School District blended learning information:

Greeley-Evans School District, Greeley, Colorado

Number of schools: 33 (12 elementary, 5 K-8, 4 middle schools, 6 high schools, and 6 charter schools)
Enrollment (2017-18): 22,301
Racial/ethnic mix:
Hispanic: 60%
White: 33%
Black, Asian, or two or more races: 7%
Limited English proficient: 24%
Free/reduced lunch: 63%
Funding: Currently ranked 145 out of 178 for per-pupil funding with the passage of a mill levy override in November 2017. Before that, the district was the 10th-lowest funded school district in Colorado.


Richardson, J. (2004, October/November). Taking measure: Innovation Configurations gauge the progress of a new initiative. Tools for Schools, 1-2.

Amie cieminski
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Amie B. Cieminski ( is an associate professor of educational leadership and policy studies at the University of Northern Colorado and former director of secondary school leadership for the Greeley-Evans School District 6.

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