

February 2015

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The Learning Professional

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In This Issue


Make Coaching’S Purpose Clear, And Make Its Results Known 

Across a range of fields, we celebrate effective coaches and recognize their role in supporting growth and high achievement. Many of us hire coaches to assist us in meeting personal […]



A Step In The Right Direction 

What does an effective classroom look and sound like? What does it mean to have students engaged in learning? What is high-quality instruction? To answer these questions, the Greece Central […]

Spring Webinars 

Learning Forward’s spring webinar series kicks off Tuesday, Feb. 10, as Jennifer Abrams hosts “Being Generationally Savvy.” Participants will learn strategies for embracing generational differences in their schools and gain […]

Foundation's Impact In 2014 

Donations and gifts to the Learning Forward Foundation fund scholarships and grants to individuals, teams, systems, and affiliates. Here’s a quick overview of the foundation’s impact in 2014. Grants and […]

Galveston County Initiative

Learning Forward has launched a professional learning initiative that will help Galveston County, Texas, area superintendents and their leadership teams support school leaders, change educator practice, and improve student results. […]

Learning Forward Paves The Way To A New Future 

The board of trustees anticipates an exciting year ahead for Learning Forward. We look forward to working with Executive Director Stephanie Hirsh and the senior leadership team to develop a […]

Book Club 

Opening Doors to Equity: A Practical Guide to Observation-Based Professional Learning By Tonya Ward Singer How do we make educational equity a reality, lesson by lesson? This book focuses on […]

Let's Make 2015 The Year Of Impact

As the U.S. Department of Education and Congress debate the future of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, Learning Forward Executive Director Stephanie Hirsh pledges to work toward three goals […]

Fidelity Of Implementation Proves Key To Achieving Student Results  

What the Study Says A three-year, randomized controlled trial study demonstrates that, when implemented with high levels of fidelity, the Responsive Classroom approach results in achievement gains in reading and math […]

Philosophy Of Coaching 

Great coaching is an art. It involves skillfully asking questions and challenging assumptions. Coaching opens participants to changing the way they think about themselves, their leadership, and the opportunities they […]


Building leaders, Talk around the clock, Implementation roadblocks, Going digital, Share experiences, Learning technology, Teacher voices

Coaching As A Continuous Improvement Tool

If Disney movies have taught me anything, it is the importance of a wise and trusty sidekick. Jiminy Cricket has often been perched on my shoulder to guide me to […]

The Character Of A Coach 

As the story illustrates, coaches must be continuously guarded in their language and actions. Coaches can be drawn into casual conversation and make comments that violate trust. Trust, which often […]

Principals Boost Coaching's Impact 

For the past 12 years, I have worked with peer coaches in more than 40 countries, and I have seen schools where peer coaches have collaborated with colleagues to improve […]

Check Your Gauges 

Teachers maintain a capacity for learning throughout their careers. However, experience alone is not enough to promote learning. Growth occurs when teachers reflect on that experience and use higher-order thinking […]

Power Tools For Talking 

Discussion-based protocols — an “agreed upon set of discussion or observation rules that guide coach/teacher/student work, discussion, and interactions” (Ippolito & Lieberman, 2012, p. 79) — can help focus and […]

Clear Goals, Clear Results 

Learning how to give effective feedback can be a difficult task for teacher leaders. This is especially true for what is called “hard feedback”— that is, feedback that challenges the teacher’s […]

What We Learned From A Tomato 

Researchers from the Pearson Research and Innovation Network investigating partnerships between teacher teams and outside content experts got a close-up look at how these relationships impact teachers’ instructional practice. The […]

Talking Points 

Although many models of coaching exist, one that promotes a high level of active adult learner engagement is instructional coaching using Jim’s Knight’s partnership coaching model (Knight, 2007), in which […]

Problem Solvers

In early November 2013, I (Sara) started talking to Christy about visiting the Hurley School. I felt that the Hurley had spent considerable time transitioning to the Common Core State […]

3 steps to great coaching

Atul Gawande’s comment is often used to justify coaching. What people overlook in his comment, however, are the words “done well.” Coaching “done well” can and should dramatically improve human […]

Up Close 

Teachers’ Coaching Preferences When executed well, the value of professional development formats like coaching and collaboration can be substantial. And teachers in strong collaborative environments see significant benefits in their […]

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What does professional learning look like around the world? This issue explores what educators can learn from each other across geographic borders.Read the remaining content with membership access. Join or […]

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Technology is both a topic and a tool for professional learning. This issue examines benefits, challenges, and what learning leaders need to know.Read the remaining content with membership access. Join […]

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Professional learning can open up new roles and challenges and help educators thrive in them. This issue shows how that benefits staff and students alike.

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