
Perspectives on Professional Learning

December 2015

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The Learning Professional

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In This Issue


For Principals, Leadership Begins and Ends With Learning 

Although school leaders are responsible for leading everything in a school, many educators I know tell me they frequently feel unprepared to lead a school’s mission and vision. They believe […]

How We Can Stop The Cycle Of Ineffective Professional Learning 

I’m proud to say how long I’ve been working hand in hand with so many other educators to improve professional learning. I’ve been with Learning Forward (formerly NSDC) for more […]


Perspectives on Professional Learning By Tracy Crow As the professional learning association for educators, Learning Forward works with stakeholders in a range of roles and from all kinds of contexts. […]

Why Do We Learn? 

At this year’s Annual Conference, Learning Forward launched a social media campaign to capture with words and images why educators embrace their own learning. Using the #whywelearn, we’re asking members […]

Tampa Team Wins 2015 Shirley Hord Award 

The instructional leadership team from Braulio Alonso School in Tampa, Florida, is the winner of the 2015 Shirley Hord Learning Team Award. This award is given annually to a team […]

Drive School Improvement With Principal Learning Teams 

Principal learning is often overlooked as an element of change and continuous improvement. In a Learning Forward webinar hosted by Education Week, see how Fort Wayne Community Schools in Indiana […]

Book Club 

Having Hard Conversations 2.0: Extending the Learning By Jennifer Abrams This update of the author’s original Hard Conversations book is designed to promote a deeper understanding of what needs to […]

Strengthening Principal Leadership Is Only One Piece Of The Puzzle 

What the Study Says The study, conducted between 2009 and 2011 in rural schools in northern Michigan, finds positive, statistically significant impacts on variables related to principal self-efficacy beliefs, principal […]

Kick-Start Meaningful Conversations: These Two Tools Can Help Schools Assess And Build One 

Appreciative interviews Appreciative interviews will help you avoid trying to close the trust gap and instead focus on building on the positives. Use this tool to help you and your […]


Education updates, Redesign schools, Teacher leadership, Observer training, Learning innovations, Retaining teachers, School reform survey, Classroom assignments

Put Yourself In Someone Else's Shoes 

Being comfortable is nice, but it can also be dangerous. While education professionals are always dealing with change, sometimes we can get stuck in our perspective. We know how critical […]

Say Goodbye To Drill-And-Kill Teaching 

When leaders in Lewisville Independent School District in Texas saw the district’s writing scores on STAAR — the Texas standardized tests introduced in 2011 — they panicked. They weren’t alone. […]

Beyond Professional Development 

Almost every day, we wonder how to make career-long inquiry a centerpiece of the work life of educators. The challenges of implementing the Common Core State Standards and Science Technology, […]

Don't Just Survive — Thrive! 

Teachers matter. Do our actions show that we believe this to be true? When treated as professionals and given the opportunity to participate in building and extending the profession, teachers […]

Make A Path For Evaluation 

You may have noticed a near absence of conversation about thorough evaluation of professional learning. Perhaps this topic has momentarily slipped off everyone’s agendas — too many other high-priority challenges. […]

How Leaders Can Make A Big Difference 

According to the 2015 National Survey on College and Career-Ready Literacy Standards and Collaborative Professional Learning, 91% of teachers surveyed report working on standards implementation during collaborative time with colleagues, […]

The 5 Habits Of Effective Plcs 

Habits are, according to Stephen R. Covey in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “the intersection of knowledge, skills, and desire” (2004, p. 47). They emerge from a deep […]

Words Matter 

Words matter. They are principal vehicles of classroom instruction and lesson planning. The more clearly teachers articulate what is to be learned and the instructional practices to be used, the […]

Do You See What I See? 

As Larry Gerardot, a principal in Fort Wayne (Indiana) Community Schools, sat in front of a computer, he had no idea how the new project in which he had been […]

Perspectives On Professional Learning 

Learning Forward is fortunate to work with stakeholders in a range of roles and from all kinds of contexts, including schools and systems, higher education, teacher associations, foundations, government, and […]

Up Close 

The passages on these pages are drawn from articles that have been perennially popular on Learning Forward’s website. Read the passages, explore the full articles online, and consider the following […]

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