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Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem.
Introduce stakeholders at any level to the concept of a comprehensive professional learning system with Learning Forward’s latest brief, created with the support of the Sandler Foundation in collaboration with […]
From ‘gotcha’ to growth: How principals promote learning in the context of teacher evaluation. By Janice Bradley The author examines the actions of principals who structured schools to create supportive conditions for […]
Educators face a range of challenges but often don’t see them as professional learning issues. Consider how professional learning might be a solution when the questions are framed in new ways.
A member of Learning Forward Academy’s Class of 2014 reflects on her experience.
Teacher leaders reveal their top 10 areas of professional learning needs, including interpersonal skills, knowledge of curriculum and instructional innovations, mentoring, leading reflective inquiry, and addressing diversity.
Teachers and students benefit when evaluation focuses on learning and growth. (Available to the public.)
Hord award winners
New vision and mission
On Board
Book Club
Board members elected
Research offers little guidance on professional learning for inclusive education. (Available to the public.)
How to create SMART goals using a tree diagram.
Classroom-focused conversations, Tools for practitioners, Reaching underserved students, Systemwide reform, Urban schools, Preparing for Common Core, Teacher leaders, Evaluation reform
Here’s another opportunity to talk about teaching. (Available to the public.)
As states connect results of teacher evaluation to professional learning, they have required more of practitioners in local school districts. Consider strategies district leaders can use to improve professional learning.
As part of Miami-Dade County Public Schools’ teacher evaluation system, peer reviewers work with teachers to align their practice using coaching, professional learning communities, lesson study, workshops, and observations. (Available to the public.)
To foster positive relationships that increase the possibility that feedback will be accepted and acted upon, evaluators need to understand the obstacles to receiving feedback and learn ways to overcome them.
In Arizona’s Maricopa County, 12 districts have forged an alliance to implement a performance-based evaluation system using a teacher observation tool that supports teachers as they work to understand and articulate lesson content and select formative assessments for monitoring student progress.
Stakeholders need to recognize that teacher evaluation and support for teacher growth are two distinct value sets that together form an interdependent pair where each set holds a portion of the truth. (Available to the public.)
A new approach to feedback, called feedback for growth, intentionally differentiates feedback so that adults, who make meaning in qualitatively different ways, can best hear it, learn from it, take it in, and improve their instructional and leadership practice.
Take a close look at the actions of principals who structured schools to create supportive conditions for teacher growth aligned to the evaluation system and empowered teachers to make decisions about selecting learning designs.
Assess your evaluation system, Take your system to the next level, Engaging teachers, What’s inside
How we learn influences what we learn. This issue shares essential resources for creating, facilitating, and assessing high-quality professional learning.Read the remaining content with membership access. Join or log in […]
Students benefit when educators bridge the continuum of professional learning between K-12 schools and other institutions. Read the remaining content with membership access. Join or log in below to continue. […]
High-quality curriculum requires skilled educators to put it into practice. Professional learning can ensure instructional materials lead to excellent teaching and learning.Read the remaining content with membership access. Join or […]
Sometimes new information and situations call for major change. This issue shows how professional learning helps educators pivot, by bridging the gap between knowing better and doing better.Read the remaining […]