Infuse educator work groups with a passion and a purpose for learning using principles of design and practical tips for implementing them.
By Stephanie Hirsh (Available to the public
Spread the word, save some money
Spread the word, save some money
Learning Forward's new Annual Awards
Kenneth Salim explores new feedback models
New reports highlight effective professional learing
Acknowledge the painful history behind some common expressions — and don't repeat them. (Available to the public.)
If a school wants to transform a culture, everyone in it must value conversation. (Available to the public.)
Taking action: Professional learning challenges.
Inspirational insights, Stages of teaching, Principal preparation, Observation protocols, Alignment resources, Online communities, Improving high-poverty schools
From the editor, By Tracy Crow (Available to the public.)
Days set aside to analyze data give teachers in Federal Way (Wash.) Public Schools a head start in matching instruction to student needs.
Gather the most valid evidence on the effectiveness of professional learning by determining the outcome at the start, using multiple sources of data, and including comparisons.
A Texas district introduces school-based data coaches to assist teachers in using data and increase student achievement. Test scores show the district is closing the academic gap between white and limited English proficient students.
One teacher team's story illustrates how Douglas County (Ga.) Public Schools is using Georgia's teacher evaluation system to design professional learning that has improved teacher practice and student results.
Two 4th-grade teachers have developed a weekly assessment that helps them — and their students — gauge how well each student understands and can demonstrate mastery of learning standards. (Available to the public.)
Take the pain — and some of the resistance — out of data analysis by organizing it and making it relevant to the purpose at hand. (Available to the public.)
The staff of a small, rural school district experiences a major breakthrough in using data in this excerpt from A Playbook for Professional Learning: Putting the Standards into Action.
Connecting the Standards for Professional Learning, Spotlight: Data Quality Campaign, Evaluation framework components
How we learn influences what we learn. This issue shares essential resources for creating, facilitating, and assessing high-quality professional learning.
Students benefit when educators bridge the continuum of professional learning between K-12 schools and other institutions.
High-quality curriculum requires skilled educators to put it into practice. Professional learning can ensure instructional materials lead to excellent teaching and learning.
Sometimes new information and situations call for major change. This issue shows how professional learning helps educators pivot, by bridging the gap between knowing better and doing better.