Register for online courses
Advance your knowledge, skills, and practices with guidance from Learning Forward’s top practitioners and the highest quality online learning experience available. Our online courses bring learners together for live, facilitated sessions; asynchronous learning experiences; and group collaboration.
Now accepting registrations for:
8 Dimensions of Educator Wellness
Teacher wellness contributes to a stable, positive, and equitable school culture. Led by Laura Lee Summers, this seven-week course explores strategies for wellness through the lens of eight dimensions of personal well-being. Participants will investigate each of these dimensions through live sessions, reflective discussions, and self-selected activities, and will take steps toward implementing self-care practices that will support their own well-being for the rest of year and beyond. Strategies from this course can be adapted to share within schools to support colleagues’ and students’ well-being. Course begins Feb. 18.
Virtual Coaches Academy
This 12-session course, led by Learning Forward expert coaches Heather Clifton and Andy Mendelsberg, offers campus and district instructional coaches, coach advocates, and those who support coaches an opportunity to deepen their understanding and application of critical coaching skills that support teachers’ individual and team learning. Learning sessions feature instruction and practice opportunities designed to enhance the effectiveness of coaching conversations and strengthen professional learning design and facilitation skills. Both new and experienced coaches will benefit from this deep dive into instructional coaching. Course begins Feb. 23.
Learn more about these courses at
Additional courses and cohorts coming soon:
Powerful Communication Skills for Coaches
Building a Trusting and Positive School Culture
Designing and Delivering Powerful Professional Learning
High-quality curriculum requires skilled educators to put it into...
Sometimes new information and situations call for major change. This issue...
What does professional learning look like around the world? This issue...
Technology is both a topic and a tool for professional learning. This...