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    Principal communities of practice inspire learning in Texas district

    By Steven Ebell, Holly Hughes, Scott Bockart, Stephanie McBride and Susan Silva
    August 2017
    Vol. 38 No. 4
    In Texas — specifically in the greater Houston area — Clear Creek Independent School District is a destination district. Families with young children seek to move into the Clear Creek ISD district boundaries when looking for housing in the area. Realtors tout the area as a place where housing prices are a bit higher, but homes are in demand and sell quickly as prospective homeowners scurry to gain access to this successful school system. A history of student success and innovative programs has put Clear Creek ISD on the map. While this is positive, this also poses challenges for the school district. State accountability requirements, coupled with slow changes in student demographics, have caused Clear Creek ISD administrators to look for new ways to help

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    Steven Ebell ( is deputy superintendent of curriculum and instruction, Holly Hughes ( is assistant superintendent of elementary education, Scott Bockart ( is assistant superintendent of secondary education, Susan Silva ( is executive director of curriculum and instruction, and Stephanie McBride ( is executive director of professional learning for the Clear Creek Independent School District in Texas.


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