
English Learners

April 2019
Vol. 40 No. 2

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The Learning Professional

Published Date

In This Issue


Diversity in the teacher pipeline 

Supporting bilingual paraeducators can have benefits for students, adults, and school systems.

English learner students in the United States

Infographic shows the linguistic diversity in schools.

Support at every level 

To serve bilingual students, empower leaders.

In their own words: Native language in the classroom 

Even teachers who don’t speak their students’ native languages can engage them in cognitively demanding dialogue.

No matter our role, multilingual students are our students

In this issue, experts call on all of us to better meet English learners’ needs.

Language of learning: Content-rich texts build knowledge and skills

A program of online professional learning courses focuses on “the 3Ls” to improve rigor for ELs.

Q & A with Delia Pompa: We need to do more for English learner students 

An expert on policy for immigrant and EL students shares her insights.


Do your materials meet English learners' needs?

Examine how your curriculum may not be producing results for ELs and begin to close the gap.

Through the lens

Deepen your understanding of the Standards for Professional Learning through this issue’s articles.


Reading, writing, and reform 

A Missouri district uses Title II-A funds to improve literacy instruction.

Our students, our solutions 

Educators can customize their learning through action research.


How assessment supports English learners 

Margo Gottlieb explains how to support multilingual learners through assessment.


Recent research on professional learning impact, teachers teaching teachers, and more.


Learning Forward

Policy and practice

What it takes to build a strong principal pipeline 

Stephanie Hirsh

Call to action

How learning shaped my leadership 

Belinda Bustos Flores and Lorena Claeys

What I've learned

Bilingual teacher workforce starts with English learner students 


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