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    The Shifting Landscape of Adult Learning

    April 2014

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    The Learning Professional

    Published Date

    In This Issue


    Knowledge Briefs In the debut issue of Learning Forward’s new Knowledge Brief series, co-authors Joellen Killion and Stephanie Hirsh explore how professional learning drives Common Core and educator evaluation. Key […]

    Building Community 

    A 4th-grade teacher team in Texas boosts teacher leadership, accelerates learning, and builds a collaborative community dedicated to the success of all students.

    Safe Passages 

    Using the Reflective Dialogue Journal process, principal leadership candidates at Dominican University gain critical support and a partner to share ideas and test theories on a regular and as-needed basis. (Available to the public.)

    Know How? Show How. 

    The Ontario Ministry of Education partnered with the Ontario Teachers’ Federation to create a program in which teacher-led teams examine, learn, and share their evidence-based instructional practices.

    From The Director 

    Learning is no longer an option – it’s a necessity. Educators have a responsibility to commit to a vision of lifelong learning for themselves. (Available to the public.)


    Everyone at school is a learner. To achieve continuous improvement, every professional has the responsibility to engage as a committed learner, willing to acknowledge and explore what he or she […]

    Foundation’s New Board Members 

    Foundation’s new board members

    On Board 

    On Board: A new context for collaboration

    Book Club 

    Book Club

    Learning Guide Focuses On Principals 

    Learning guide for principals

    Lessons From Research

    Study shows no difference in impact between online and face-to- face professional learning. (Available to the public.)


    Put the ‘partner’ in partnerships. (Available to the public.)


    State policies, Performance evaluation, Blueprint for assessment, Reforms in action, Time for learning, Guides to learning, Design solutions

    From The Editor

    Moving away from stale professional learning options is essential to transforming schools. (Available to the public.)

    Critical Thinking Skills Fire Up Teacher Learning 

    A learning model that allows for differentiation to meet educators’ individual needs can promote critical thinking through a variety of processes that are gradually released to the learner based on his or her understanding and sophistication.

    Synergy Sparks Digital Literacy 

    Cultivating and intentionally using new technology takes a disposition to risk and try again. It begins by redefining the roles of teacher/student and learner/leader.

    How to Build Schools Where Adults Learn 

    Understanding the distinction between two typical adult learning practices can help leaders provide professional learning that both supports current learning and nudges faculty toward more complex and collaborative ways to work and learn.

    Rounds Process Puts Teachers In Charge of Learning 

    Teacher Rounds is a strategy that helps teachers expose their classroom practices to other educators and enables them to learn from data-driven feedback offered from a stance of inquiry. (Available to the public.)

    Myths About Technology-Supported Professional Learning 

    Three commonly held myths related to online learning have significant implications for state or provincial agencies, school systems, and schools, individual educators, and vendors and providers of technology-supported professional learning.

    Everyone At School Is A Learner 

    The three critical concepts in the Learning Designs standard spell out the needs and responsibilities of adult learners, and the articles in this issue of JSD help to develop deeper understandings of these concepts.

    Up Close 

    The future of learning, Less of this, more of that, What’s inside

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