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Learning Forward president and CEO congratulates president- and vice president-elect and calls for unity to support education

By Denise Glyn Borders | November 9, 2020

Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Election 2020 is drawing to a close. It has been a long campaign season and regardless of your political views, […]

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COVID relief deal unlikely as House and Senate are too far apart

By Melinda George | October 14, 2020

The old adage “Don’t confuse motion with progress” is sadly applicable to recent efforts to pass new COVID relief legislation. Yes, the House passed last month a new version of […]

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K-12 spending a nettlesome issue as the House and Senate diverge greatly

By Melinda George | August 12, 2020

With school already in session in some places and most schools commencing in a few weeks, it is hard to believe that Congress and the Administration remain stalled in negotiating […]

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House approves education funding including Title II-A increase

By Melinda George | July 15, 2020

On July 13, the U.S. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee approved the fiscal year 2021 education funding bill, voting to support a $22.5 million increase for Title II-A. This is […]

House Introduces the HEROES Act

By Learning Forward | May 12, 2020

May 12 proved to be a significant day for Congress’ response to the pandemic. In addition to NIH Infectious Diseases Institute Chief and White House Coronavirus Task Force member Dr. […]

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Professional development vouchers are not what educators need

By Melinda George | April 20, 2020

Learning Forward has long worked to ensure that all educators, particularly those serving students with the highest needs, have access to high-quality professional learning that aligns to the Learning Forward […]

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