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    Guilford County’s new rubric allows ‘everyone to own equity as a priority’

    By Linda Jacobson | August 3, 2017

    With diversity in mind, Guilford County Schools in North Carolina is expanding professional learning options for teachers and ensuring that teachers have opportunities to go deeper in their learning.

    Secretary DeVos: Here are Learning Forward’s priorities

    By Stephanie Hirsh | February 21, 2017

    Learning Forward looks forward to working with the Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Read more about how the secretary’s priorities will play a role in the future of education.

    With a continuous improvement mindset, we can achieve equity and excellence

    By Stephanie Hirsh | May 18, 2016

    Learning Forward’s theory of action is based on assumptions that educators won’t achieve their high goals for student learning if they don’t set and measure high goals for educator learning. With the right goals in mind, the hard work begins.

    Spread effective teaching from room to room

    By Stephanie Hirsh | May 7, 2015

    When I was a local school board member, parents frequently asked for my advice on how to ensure their child got a particular teacher in a school. I knew how the game would be played after I reminded them this wasn’t the role of the school board: They would write the principal with their requests for the next year. The principal would respond to assure the parents that no matter which classroom their child was assigned, he or she would have a great year.

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