Ryan Gillespie
Ryan Gillespie (rgillespie@cdaschools.org) is an instructional coach at the Coeur d’Alene School District in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and a professional development specialist at the University of Idaho.
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With the right strategies, coaches can leverage co-teaching
For teachers and coaches, co-teaching can be exciting, rewarding, and full of powerful learning. It offers teachers supported experiences to apply new knowledge in their own contexts, exemplifying active engagement in job-embedded professional learning (Learning Forward, 2011). However, co-teaching is often underused in coaching (Sweeney & Harris, 2016), in part […] -
Bridging the distance
Coaching is an increasingly popular and promising method of professional learning, but unfortunately, many teachers do not have access to high-quality coaching due to geographic and financial constraints. Technology offers an opportunity to increase access to coaching, especially for educators in isolated rural areas. Research shows video is useful in […]