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    Lyn Sharratt

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      Lyn Sharratt & Michael Fullan Waves of data—indigestible, dehumanized, and disaggregated—are crashing into the education system every day, driving you to distraction. But imagine a world where you’re not being drowned by data, but inspired by it; where that data has a FACE and gives you focused information on how […]
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      Skilled collaborative leaders are in high demand in schools, school systems, and districts worldwide. The success of schools as learning organizations hinges on how well people can work together as they seek to build collective capacity and problem solve to improve student outcomes. As the Leadership standard of Learning Forward’s […]
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      Lyn Sharratt & Gale Harild How can schools best prepare students for the highly competitive job market and global economy? This compelling book presents a transformative approach to college and career readiness within the public education system, based on data and best practices contributed by outstanding schools on five continents. […]