Jessy Newman
Senior Researcher
Jessy Newman provides consultation, evaluation materials, and professional development resources focused on social and emotional learning and youth development for youth-serving programs Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Higher Achievement, National AfterSchool Association, NatureBridge, YMCA of the USA, and Every Hour Counts. She currently leads several evaluations of positive youth development, including the citywide study of the School’s Out New York City (SONYC) initiative, a regional evaluation of Playworks’ professional development model, Playworks Pro, and the national data collection effort that is part of the Afterschool Tech Toolkit. Prior to joining AIR, Newman led the development and dissemination of Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs (Preschool and Elementary School Edition), a review of nationally available, universal social and emotional learning programs published by the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning and authored many publications on social and emotional learning.
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Supporting students in stressful times
Students rely on educators to provide many kinds of support, including stable relationships and positive social support - and they need those supports now more than ever. With students at home, how can educators continue to provide social and emotional support? Hear from experts on social and emotional learning and […]