Isobel Stevenson
Isobel Stevenson is director of organizational learning (istevenson@partnersforel.org) at Partners for Educational Leadership.
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A districtwide path to acceleration starts with teacher teams
Friday, March 13, 2020, was a professional learning day for many school districts in Connecticut. The timing was fortuitous because it gave educators a chance to make plans for the coming weeks. In the previous few days, we had learned that schools were going to be closed for a couple […] -
5 guiding questions build a strategic approach to leadership coaching
Leadership matters. In fact, research identifies leadership as second only to teaching in school-related factors influencing student achievement (Louis et al., 2010). As districts seek ways to improve the quality of school leadership, they often turn to coaching. And coaching can improve leaders’ effectiveness — under the right conditions (Grant […] -
What A Question Can Accomplish
It was the third day of the LEAD Connecticut Summer Institute for Turnaround Principals, a two-week workshop for new principals of low-achieving schools. One of the participants, Kenneasha Sloley, came in late, not exactly flustered but not looking very happy. When there was a break, her coach asked her how […]