Bill Ferriter
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Voice of a teacher leader: Bad example brings good resolve
What actions do you think are important for those supporting classroom teachers? Bill Ferriter names three he has committed to. -
Voice of a teacher leader: No better than a fortune teller?
Why would parents and students need a crystal ball to clarify teachers' comments? This teacher suggests specific ways to make feedback more effective for all and eliminate the need for magical props. -
Voice of a teacher leader: Market norms bring confusion
Teacher leader Bill Ferriter has some advice for policy makers: Instilling purpose, mission, and pride in the societal aspects of a job well done does more to motivate teachers and generate enthusiasm than the current emphasis on accountability through standardized test results. -
Voice of a teacher leader: It's that simple -- avoid complexity
Ferriter suggests educators become "vigilante wobblestoppers," focused more closely on teaching and learning rather than making more out of simple decisions. Find out how to become the wobblestopper on your team by reading this month's column. -
Voice of a teacher leader: Digital moxie helps change focus
Ferriter navigates through new technology developments with enthusiasm and without fear, and acknowledges that he learns differently now that he uses so many new, exciting tools. However, in this month's column, he cautions schools not to be fooled into thinking that buying the latest tools will make a difference. New […] -
Voice of a teacher leader: Leaders show us where to stretch
In his classroom, Ferriter encourages his students to look up to role models, to learn from those with impressive skills. Ferriter's own role models include a former principal. Studying this leader helped Ferriter see the importance of thoughtfully developing relationships. Now he's working on his own skills in that arena. -
Voice of a teacher leader: Newest colleagues need our help
Despite their obvious enthusiasm and energy, new teachers are vulnerable. Statistics indicate that more than 30% of new teachers will be gone within three years. The difficulties of the profession are certainly numerous, but as Ferriter points out, time will lead teachers to develop the craft knowledge and confidence they […] -
One step at a time
Imagine having the opportunity to work at a new middle school, built around professional learning community principles. From day one, teachers are organized into professional learning teams working to define essential curriculum, develop common assessments, and analyze student data. Similarly, administrators work as a team to support the development of […] -
Voice of a teacher leader:Trailblazers stand at the edge
In trying to figure out whether he is a mentor or a leader, Ferriter found a third answer -- he's a trailblazer! Read his thoughts on the role of mentors and trailblazers in schools. Ferriter ends his column with a question -- who are the pioneers and trailblazers in your […] -
Voice of a teacher leader: Keys to a learning community
Ferriter has advice for a buddy starting a professional learning community at a middle school. While Ferriter recognizes the potential value of learning communities, he reminds us that teachers might not be prepared to handle working collegially.