Bill Ferriter

Bill Ferriter

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    This teacher leader has had it! He's been held accountable one too many times, signed one too many forms, cowered under one last set of disappointing test scores. Ferriter isn't the only teacher to suffer what he terms an "accountability breakdown." He asks us to consider what accountability measures are […]
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    Who doesn't love the comfortable, familiar things -- or practices -- of the past? We know how they work and what to expect from them. Bill Ferriter has a car that fits that description. However, the familiar might not be the best when it comes to teaching practices. As Ferriter […]
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    When a parent of a successful student boils down a year's worth of learning into one test performance, Ferriter wonders where his judgment as the teacher fits in. What do we value in the classroom, from teachers, from students?
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    Once teachers leave the classroom to take on other leadership roles, Ferriter wonders, do they have expiration dates? That is, is there a point when those leaders don't have enough recent experience to effectively lead teachers? Read more about one teacher leader's thoughts on what it means to stay in […]
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    In this month's column, Ferriter writes: "We bear a responsibility for identifying effective instruction and then holding colleagues accountable for their work." Certainly many educators would agree. Why, then, is it so difficult for teachers to talk collegially about standards of excellence for one another?
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    Is it possible for the principal in a building to be an instructional leader to every teacher? Bill Ferriter explores what instructional leadership means and the qualities these leaders exhibit. He posits that "in the best schools, instructional leadership is continuously changing hands because everyone accepts responsibility for leading." What […]
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    The challenge of learning to lead as an NBCT By Bill Ferriter Teachers who go through the process of becoming National Board Certified Teachers (NBCTs) are recognized as well-prepared, accomplished classroom teachers. But are they ready to become leaders of other teachers? Schools and districts are seeking ways to best […]
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    Data can be intimidating. We know how critical it is that learning teams use data about student achievement to drive instruction. But maintaining comfort and confidence in the face of data can be difficult. Read how Ferriter's team managed to refocus their conversations to move from a feeling of judgment […]
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    "Connectors" have an important job in the school building, according to this teacher leader. Connectors are the leaders who have opportunities to develop relationships across a building, rather than being limited to working with one department or grade level. When schools don't have such connectors at work, it is easy […]
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    In his first posting, Ferriter talks about his school's mission statement. Believe it or not, that mission drives what the teachers do. Please join Ferriter in considering what role teachers play in keeping the vision of a school.
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