A commitment to ongoing learning is a hallmark of great leadership, but especially now, as we all navigate multiple crises in our schools and communities. How is professional learning helping you and your colleagues survive and thrive in these stressful times? In honor of National Principals Month, Learning Forward will co-host this chat with Beth Houf, 2022 NASSP National Principal of the Year, and gift a randomly selected participant of the chat a free copy of our latest-released book, The Learning Principal: Becoming a Learning Leader. This chat will focus on how principals can leverage professional learning, drawing from the book The Learning Principal and the latest issue of The Learning Professional journal on the theme of leadership under pressure.
To participate in the conversation, follow #TheLearningPro on Twitter at 8 p.m. Eastern on Thursday, October 28. (Not familiar with Twitter chats? Click here for instructions on how to participate in a Twitter chat.)
Calling all #principals! Join @LearningForward and @BethHouf Thursday, Oct. 28 @ 8 PM ET for a special Twitter chat on how learning leaders can thrive under stress. #TheLearningPro Share on XChat questions: