
Together We Can Do More

June 2015

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The Learning Professional

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Consulting Services Learning Forward’s high-impact consulting and programs offer a range of tools and technical support: Get comprehensive learning and ongoing support for coaching staff through the Coaches Academy. Use […]

Important Lessons From A Software Giant 

The longer I serve in education, the more I realize I have so much to learn about learning and the kinds of cultures that make it central to the daily […]

More Lessons From Bhutan 

In April 2011, JSD published “Lessons from Bhutan: Embrace cultural differences to effect change” (Levine, Telsey, & McCormack, 2011), which described the experiences of several U.S. educators who learned their […]

When Status Quo Is A No-Go 

There are three types of teachers: ineffective teachers, good teachers, and great teachers, say Todd Whitaker and Annette Breaux (2013). The same is true of professional learning. Four years ago, […]

Why Collaboration Matters 

There’s no question that Learning Forward values collaboration and community as critical elements of effective professional learning. It’s not just by chance that Learning Communities is the first of the […]


Keys to collaboration: What it takes to move toward collective responsibility. By Tracy Crow Having professional learning communities on the schedule doesn’t always fulfill teachers’ collaboration needs. How can schools […]

Have You Adopted The Standards? 

Learning Forward works with state and provincial affiliates to track which states or provinces have adopted or adapted the Standards for Professional Learning. See the latest information about standards adoption […]

Book Club 

The Collaborative Analysis of Student Learning: Professional Learning That Promotes Success for All By Amy Colton, Georgea Langer, and Loretta Goff This book is a comprehensive guide to implementing a research-based […]

On Board 

Educators in successful schools and districts have found that implementing professional learning communities at the school level can be effective for sharing vision, beliefs, and strategies that align with their […]

Learning Forward Academy Class Of 2017 

The Learning Forward Academy Class of 2017 brings together 51 like-minded education professionals for a 2½-year, coach-led, collaborative learning cohort to tackle their biggest challenges in advancing teaching and learning […]

Professional Learning For Math Teachers Is A Plus For Students 

What The Study Says Using 4th- and 8th-grade mathematics data from 2003, 2007, and 2011 Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) assessments, researchers conducted a cross-national empirical study to […]

Use Language That Builds Trust 

Trust serves as the connective tissue that allows teachers to question current practices, take risks, and try new strategies because they are confident their leader supports and encourages their creativity […]


Ideas from England, Common Core, Trends in Australia, TALIS results, Twitter talk, Creating excellence, Causes of poverty, Technology and teaching, Implementation trends, School turnaround

Team Building Isn't Just Movie Magic 

The season of the summer blockbuster movie is upon us, and, at the same time, the hype machine for the next Star Wars movie is in turbo drive. One of […]

Create A Safe Space To Learn 

A collaborative culture of trust and openness is crucial to teachers’ learning and the productive analysis of student learning. Teachers engaged in group learning can feel very vulnerable when they share […]

What Is An Authentic Professional Learning Community? 

Shirley Hord, Learning Forward’s scholar laureate, has focused her career on research about and practice of effective professional learning communities. Here she answers an educator’s question about professional learning communities.  […]

Coaching Side By Side 

Ask a teacher if he or she has ever been coached, and you are likely to first hear silence, then an answer that offers little information. “Why do you ask?” […]



In The Driver's Seat 

What happens when teachers are given funding and time to identify and develop targeted and innovative professional learning? This article focuses on lessons learned from grants funded through the California […]

Collaboration By Design 

At Marylin Avenue School in Livermore, California, student achievement more than doubled from 2006 to 2013, even as the number of socioeconomically disadvantaged students increased from 66% to 88% and […]

Talk That Teaches 

Imagine having opportunities for teams of educators to come together regularly to engage in rich conversations about teaching — conversations so rich that they address problems of practice and support […]

Keys To Collaboration 

Ask educators what they need for their own learning, and more time to collaborate with colleagues generally ranks high on the list. Educators know that when they encounter specific student […]

Up Close 

A Clear Path or Clear Roles? Which is better for teamwork: a clearly defined approach to achieving a goal or clearly specified roles for team members? Roles are the key, according […]

Recent Issues

August 2024

Sometimes new information and situations call for major change. This issue shows how professional learning helps educators pivot, by bridging the gap between knowing better and doing better.Read the remaining […]

June 2024

What does professional learning look like around the world? This issue explores what educators can learn from each other across geographic borders.Read the remaining content with membership access. Join or […]

April 2024

Technology is both a topic and a tool for professional learning. This issue examines benefits, challenges, and what learning leaders need to know.Read the remaining content with membership access. Join […]

February 2024

How do you know your professional learning is working? This issue digs into evaluation purposes, methods, tools, and results.

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