
Looking For Member Feedback


By Learning Forward
February 2014
How Can Learning Forward Help You? Learning Forward is looking for feedback on how best to help members achieve their goals.

Read the remaining content with membership access. Join or log in below to continue.

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Offering you what you need to improve: Learning Forward wants to advance members’ careers and help solve your problems of practice. What input can you offer to ensure we stay on the right track? Documenting impact of professional learning: “Where’s the research documenting the link between professional learning and student results?” This question is on everyone’s mind. How can Learning Forward gather stories and research that help us build a definitive link? Leveraging technology to advance professional learning: The iPD strand at the conference and in our ongoing work demonstrates Learning Forward’s desire to expose members to new technologies that support learning. How can Learning Forward continue to support the application of emerging technologies? Meeting your learning priorities: Learning Forward is committed to meeting your needs for professional learning throughout the year. How can Learning Forward best support your year-round continuous learning through a range of in-person and virtual products and services?
Keeping you on the cutting edge: Learning Forward is reinventing its publications mix to better serve you. What topics and formats are most important to serve your needs now and into the future? The changing value of membership: Change seems to be happening at an increasing rate, and what you value most from an association is likely changing as well. What membership benefits and opportunities are most important to you today?  Going global: Learning Forward seeks to serve educators worldwide. However, the majority of members are in North America. How can Learning Forward best position itself internationally? Impacting federal and state policies: Learning Forward contends that good policy affects better practice. What should be key elements of Learning Forward’s policy agenda? 

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Learning Forward is the only professional association devoted exclusively to those who work in educator professional development. We help our members plan, implement, and measure high-quality professional learning so they can achieve success with their systems, schools, and students.

The Learning Professional

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