Washington, DC, March 28, 2017

“We are outraged that the Trump Administration has just proposed to eliminate fully half of all FY17 funding for Title IIA, the Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants program. Effective teachers and school leaders are crucial to increasing student achievement. Title IIA, funded at $2.3 billion last year, supports professional learning that improves both the content knowledge and practice of teachers in all academic areas as well as professional learning targeted directly to the specific needs of school principals and assistant principals. Eliminating $1.2 billion of funding for this program will do far worse than devastate the budgets of states and school districts in the country; it will deal a real blow to our nation’s educators and their students and severely disrupt the implementation of several states’ ESSA plans. We call on Congress to reject this damaging and unnecessary cut to Title IIA and provide level funding for this program in FY17.”

American Federation of School Administrators
Learning Forward
National Association of Elementary School Principals
National Association of Secondary School Principals