Sample Tweets to Congress
Here are some sample tweets you can use to advocate for upcoming Appropriations funding:
Send a message to Congress
(Add the handle for your members of Congress to every Tweet. X handles for U.S. House Members and U.S. Senators)
- Hey Congress! Fund #TitleIIA fully at $2.4 billion to provide all educators with professional learning to serve all students. @LearningForward #EdPolicy
- Professional learning can be the difference between meeting the needs of SOME children versus ALL children. Fund #TitleIIA fully at $2.4 billion in upcoming appropriations. @LearningForward #EdPolicy
- Coaching, mentoring and PLCs help educators improve their practice and serve ALL kids. Fund #TitleIIA fully at $2.4 billion in upcoming appropriations. @LearningForward #EdPolicy
Send a message to your colleagues
- Time to take ACTION! Urge Congress to fully fund Title II-A at $2.4 billion. Take 30 seconds to make a difference. Send your message now. #TitleIIA #EdPolicy @LearningForward
- Let’s support teachers, principals, coaches, mentors, and more with high-quality professional learning.#TitleIIA makes this possible. Ask Congress to fund #TitleIIA fully at $2.4 billion in upcoming appropriations. @LearningForward #EdPolicy
Here are some sample tweets you can use to advocate for Title II-A funds:
- #TitleIIA is critical to educators and students. @learningforward [Tweet]
- There is no more important budget priority than America’s children. Increase funding for #TitleIIA so that teachers and leaders can support our students. @learningforward [Tweet]
- #TitleIIA is critical for teachers, school leaders, and principals to do their jobs effectively; increase funding for this program. @learningforward [Tweet]
- Millions of teachers, principals, and school leaders depend on #TitleIIA to improve schools and instruction in the classroom. [Tweet]
- The quality of teaching and leadership in schools are the two most significant in-school factors tied to student achievement. #TitleIIA [Tweet]
- #TitleIIA supports increased student academic achievement by promoting strategies that will positively affect educator effectiveness. [Tweet]
- Educators and students deserve schools filled with outstanding teachers. Tell Congress to increase professional development funding for teachers through #TitleIIA. @learningforward [Tweet]
- Educators and students deserve schools led by great principals. Tell Congress to maintain school leadership funding through #TitleIIA. @learningforward [Tweet]
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