Search Result (2487)
We must never stop learning from each other
Q: How did you first become involved with Learning Forward? A: I have been an educator for 40 years and have been associated with Learning Forward for much of that time. My mum wa..
Researchers offer evidence of lesson study’s benefits
Lesson study is a time-tested approach to professional learning that exemplifies the Standards for Professional Learning: It is ongoing and sustained, embedded in classroom practice, focused on studen..
Data points
4 times more uncertified teachers Students of color tend to have less access to certified and experienced teachers than their white counterparts, according to a recent report from th..
To master the steps, revisit the basics
Whenever I learn something new — dancing, cooking, statistics — the beginning of the learning curve tends to be quite rewarding. It’s the next stage I find most frustrating, the stage I think of..
Flip the script on change
Teaching is a demanding profession. Teachers dedicate themselves to having all their students learn well and take pride in seeing their students’ learning success. But what happens when students don..
Making learning stick
A dilemma for teachers at all levels is planning for transfer of learning, or students’ long-term retention. Most teachers consider their lessons a success if students can acquire information and un..
How do I know my students are learning?
Why is formative assessment — a proven powerful instructional practice — so elusive in classrooms? As a regional professional learning provider for several years, I regularly observed classroom..
My mentor, myself
While teachers can tell us wonderful stories of success, anecdotes and other informal assessments are not enough in an age of accountability. In Prince George’s County Public Schools (Maryland), our..
Ready for reading
Across the U.S., educators face a common challenge: How can we help all students become strong readers and writers? The 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also called the Nationâ..
Teaching without fear
After teaching for 10 years, Judith is respected by her colleagues and supervisors. She is hard-working and committed to continually learning and growing. But beneath Judith’s calm and confident sur..