Search Result (2487)
Annual Conference keynote speakers
Here are the keynote speakers for Learning Forward’s 2023 Annual Conference, to be held Dec. 3-6 in Washington, D.C. The theme for the conference is Evidence Into Action. To learn more or register, ..
Summer learning opportunities
Powerful Practice for Professional Learning Design and deliver professional learning that gets results. As you plan professional learning for the summer and for the 202..
Authors at Carnegie summit
The April 2023 issue of The Learning Professional, with the theme Improving Together, was featured at the 10th Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education in April. Participants re..
National Educational Technology Plan
On behalf of the U.S. Department of Education, Learning Forward and Project Tomorrow ( are le..
Improving Together
Learning networks give educators collaborative opportunities to grow and improve so they can help students thrive. This issue highlights how networks are leading the way to change...
Learning together is the best way forward
“Improving together” is a fitting description not only for this issue, but for everything we strive to do in The Learning Professional and at our parent organization, Learning Forward. We..
Networks forge a path to school improvement
When educators work collaboratively to improve their practice, they build their capacity to achieve equitable and excellent outcomes for all students. As Learning Forward’s Standards for Professiona..
Teacher voice drives improvement in Baltimore
Matt Edelman, a high school English teacher in Baltimore, Maryland, needed to find a way to encourage his special education students to stay engaged, especially while they were working independently w..
Coaching empowers teachers to lead for equity
“So where are we taking the team next?” I asked the three teacher leaders in my weekly coaching meeting at a large middle school in Brooklyn, New York. In addition to their roles teaching science,..
Good ideas spread when schools learn from each other
Tom Gaines leaned over his lunch plate, listening intently to two recent graduates from High Tech High International in San Diego, California, who were now enrolled in college. He wanted to know how t..