Search Result (2487)
Focus, feedback, follow-through
Reading coach Amy Martin stepped into the classroom of 2nd-grade teacher Sharon Densford, who was asking students comprehension questions and reviewing the main idea of a reading passage. Putting pen ..
Skeptics to partners
As residents of the ivory tower, we know we cannot exist on our own. Without our partners in local school districts, we have no research and no real-world context. We also know that to establish a mea..
Strength training institutes pump up teachers’ roles as instructional leaders
When Deb Brady, the new assistant superintendent of the North Middlesex Regional School District, came into the district as part of a new leadership team in 2006, she asked teachers from the high scho..
Slow turn ahead
Transforming an entire district from one that is satisfied with being academically good enough into one keenly focused on improved student performance requires overhaul that reaches from end to end, f..
Fast track to literacy
Improving the literacy skills of struggling high school readers remains one of the greatest challenges educators face today. Students who are two or more years behind grade level in their language art..
Deep learning engages senses, moves, heart, NSDC academy finds
“What are you learning about learning?” This theme echoed throughout NSDC Academy 2010’s learning teams as they met for the third time at the 2009 Summer Conference in Boston this year. The NSD..
A new definition
Too few teachers experience the quality of professional development and teamwork that would enable them to be more effective educators each day. As advocates for professional learning, our job is to m..
Develop a protocol to make the most out of school visits
Irecently had the opportunity to visit schools with a superintendent of a large urban school system. I enjoyed spending the morning observing instruction and interacting with teachers and students. On..
Think time
All of the students waited patiently while a classmate focused on the problem he was trying to solve on the board. He attempted one solution and realized it didn’t work, then haltingly tried another..