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Atul Gawande, writing in The New Yorker, explored why some medical innovations take hold quickly while others take much longer to spread. A medical doctor who writes about innovation and change, Ga..
How Change Happens Learning Forward Senior Advisor Joellen Killion says the process of learning to accomplish change doesn’t happen overnight: "Principals cannot perfect the im..
Track Data. Tweak Instruction. Repeat.
What kind of data does the Aldine (Texas) Independent School District collect on each of the 64,000 students in the system? Raymond Stubblefield just laughs. “Really, anything you want to know ab..
The Instructor's Balancing Act
I work in a school with a bilingual program. Last week, I attended a workshop for bilingual teachers presented by a phenomenal instructor. My learning curve is steep. I do not have much personal ex..
Happy With Your Professional Learning? That’s Not Enough.
One of my favorite commercials is from Esurance, the online car insurance company. The commercial begins with a woman named Beatrice standing in her living room discussing her recent vacation with two..
One Person’s Academy Experience Shifts A District’s Approach to Learning
In South Carolina, the lower half of the state is called “the lowcountry.” Though it includes the familiar tourist destinations of Myrtle Beach, Charleston, and Hilton Head, most of the lowcountry..
Workplace wisdom: What educators can learn from the business world. By Sheri S. Williams and John W. Williams What lessons can we learn from business to support..
From The Director
Even though I no longer follow an academic schedule, my years working in schools, along with Learning Forward’s connection to practitioners, keep me aware of when the summer months start and end. So..
Wallace Foundation Grant
Learning Forward will continue its efforts to disseminate valuable information from The Wallace Foundation’s ongoing research in leadership, extended learning, and summer learning, thanks ..