Search Result (2487)
Professional Learning Initiative Analysis: A Workbook for States and Districts Given what system leaders must accomplish with limited resources, they must..
Eyes On The Prizewinners
The Learning Forward Foundation is a source of inspiration and aspiration for dedicated educators who want to impact leadership for change and improvement in schools. Just imagine these scenes of insp..
From The Director
One of my favorite jobs was when I was the free enterprise consulting teacher for the Richardson (Texas) Independent School District. I had a hefty budget to buy resources and plan events for teachers..
Champions of learning: District leaders build skills to boost educator practice. By Kay Psencik, Frederick Brown, Laura Cain, Ramona Coleman, and C. Todd Cummings ..
Leadership Society
The Learning Forward Foundation has established a Leadership Society as a way to recognize donors at different levels of giving with a range of donor benefits. Benefits include a certificate of giv..
Book Club
Grounded in research, learning theories, and Learning Forward’s Standards for Professional Learning, this book outlines the processes for selecting and creating learning designs appropriate for and ..
On Board
Standing barely 5 feet tall, Janie Pyle, associate superintendent of curriculum and instruction for Raytown (Missouri) Quality Schools, is nothing short of a stick of administrative dynamite. Affec..
Learning Forward By The Numbers
As the school year wound down in late May, Learning Forward conducted its first comprehensive membership survey since 2010. The survey was sent to current and former members along with other educators..
Lessons From Research
What The Study Says Civic literacy is not only core to success in college and careers, but also to responsible participation in civic life in adulthood. This study contributes empirical evid..
Purpose: To develop leaders’ skills in establishing an effective theory of change to achieve goals established by their learning community. When working through a theory o..