Creating scalable solutions for systemwide educator and student learning opportunities
Learning Forward Networks
Our networks are driven by the underlying principles of learning teams: collaborative and continuous learning, data-driven, and educators at the center of the work.
Current Networks
Learning Forward is a leader in building, facilitating, and implementing networks to drive improvement in education. Our current networks include:
Academy & Affiliates
Our Learning Networks align to the Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning:

Build capacity and leadership among state/province, systems, schools, and teams to create policies and practices for effective professional learning.

Support schools and systems to strengthen and align college and career standards, curriculum, instructional materials, and professional learning.

Employ continuous improvement strategies and practices grounded in the theory of improvement science.

Utilize network models to structure learning within and across participating organizations.

Provide facilitated learning opportunities, thought leadership, and resources that help leaders at all levels establish, redesign, and sustain successful learning systems that improve educator and student learning.
Current Networks
Previous Networks
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Learning Forward networks leverage learning teams to design and implement professional learning interventions using disciplined inquiry and problem-solving that leads to improved practice through continuous improvement. Teams use processes that include:

Understanding the system that produces varied outcomes and the opportunities that hinder success and assets of the community to which the system belongs.

Stating hypotheses based on a working theory of improvement and learning content and strategies to design a plan to test those hypotheses.

Executing a test and collecting data on how the test was implemented and whether improvements occurred.

Analyzing the data to determine whether what occurred deviated from what was predicted.

Deciding what to do next based on what was learned.
These cycles help teams address their defined problems by developing, testing, and refining promising solutions, or change ideas, specific to their local context, using data to make progress against outcomes or indicators that are predictive of longer-term success. Learning Forward’s networks are grounded in the Standards for Professional Learning.