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    What works

    January 2009

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    The Learning Professional

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    In This Issue


    Please Do Disturb: 3 Ways To Stir Up Groups And Increase Their Effectiveness 

    Collaborative teams, much like weather systems and national economies, are composed of independent but interrelated elements making up a whole. They are organized by nonlinear feedback mechanisms that are continuously responding to other elements in the system.

    Reach for the heart as well as the mind

    Individuals and organizations have an amazing capacity to maintain their current beliefs and practices in the face of massive, well-intentioned efforts to change them.


    Extend learning beyond your presentation with these brain-friendly strategies.

    Professional learning communities 

    We can all agree that the purpose of schools is student learning and that the most significant factor in whether students learn well is teaching quality.

    New teacher support 

    New teachers need help. From day one, new teachers, largely on their own, are responsible for running a classroom and ensuring student learning, as well as fulfilling administrative requirements.

    Leadership development 

    Karen Waldrop is on her way to a graduate class offered for teacher leaders by a local university in partnership with her school district. As she leaves her school, she exchanges greetings with her principal, who is just returning from a half-day of mentoring training.

    Data use 

    In July 2006, eight members of the Marylin Avenue Elementary School leadership team from Livermore, Calif., arrived at the annual Education for the Future Summer Data Institute in Chico, Calif., eager to learn how to employ data-driven decision making to change their school. Data-driven decision making is the process of using data to inform decisions to improve teaching and learning.

    A little guidance on the path to success

    I am surrounded by long-distance runners, people who love to race and set goals and meet them. I attend enough marathons to have a well-worn spectator routine and a series of vocal exercises to get myself in shape for serious cheering.


    In the past decade, interest in the form of professional learning loosely described as coaching has exploded.

    What works, works everywhere 

    JSD: In your work preparing the McKinsey report, How the World’s Best-Performing School Systems Come Out on Top, you found that several policies and approaches delivered superior results for students. Can you describe those?

    Start with the passion that fuels a teacher's soul 

    Ihad a conversation recently with a friend, a former English teacher now working at the district level providing staff development geared towards creating alignment in the language arts curriculum. Alignment […]

    Before Deciding What To Do, Determine What Is Necessary 

    NSDC Scholar Laureate Shirley Hord received a request recently from a superintendent who wanted to make professional development more stimulating for the principals and teachers in his school system. He came to NSDC looking for specific strategies that would engage his principals and teachers. While we were able to point him in the direction of strategies that could be helpful, the call made both of us stop and think.

    Review The Essential Ingredients For Adult Learning 

    Do we stop to review the standards and the Innovation Configurations as our roles change, making sure we are not neglecting an essential ingredient in our work?

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