
Cultural Proficiency

Use lessons in similarities and differences to help students understand diversity

By Learning Forward
October 2012
Vol. 33 No. 5
A student teacher recently observed a troubling interaction between two students in a 1st-grade classroom. The two students were talking as they worked on a project. One of the students said something about his mom and dad. The other student replied, “I have two moms.” The first student looked up at the other student inquisitively and said, “Really? That’s weird.” The second student took offense, and an argument began. In addressing the issue, the lead teacher focused on the importance of being kind and always using nice words. In reflecting on this incident, the student teacher questioned whether it was enough to simply tell students to be nice to one another when clearly there was a bigger issue at the heart of this incident. How, the

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Patricia L. Guerra and Sarah W. Nelson

In each issue of JSD, Patricia L. Guerra and Sarah W. Nelson write about the importance of and strategies for developing cultural awareness in teachers and schools. Guerra ( is an assistant professor and Nelson ( is an associate professor in the Department of Education and Community Leadership at Texas State University-San Marcos. Guerra and Nelson are co-founders of Transforming Schools for a Multicultural Society (TRANSFORMS). Columns are available at

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