

Ohio invests in coaching to improve literacy

By Melissa Weber-Mayrer, Stephanie VanDyke and Sherine R. Tambyraja
August 2024
In 2023, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine made a historic investment to improve literacy proficiency for all Ohio students, from preschool through grade 12. House Bill 33, which was signed into law in June 2023, outlined numerous mandates and funding allocations to ensure that all students in Ohio would have access to evidence-based reading instruction. These laws, collectively referred to as the ReadOhio initiative, include requirements for the use of high-quality instructional materials, stipends for educators to engage in professional learning about the science of reading, and funding for the provision of literacy coaches for Ohio’s lowest-performing schools. Professional learning is at the heart of this work. This substantial investment in literacy validated what has been a long-standing effort in Ohio to develop robust literacy support

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Kraft, M.A., Blazar, D., & Hogan, D. (2018). The effect of teacher coaching on instruction and achievement: A meta-analysis of the causal evidence. Review of Educational Research, 88(4), 547-588.

Lockwood, J.R., McCombs, J.S., & Marsh, J. (2010). Linking reading coaches and student achievement: Evidence from Florida middle schools. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 32(3), 372-388.

St. Martin, K., Harms, A., Walsh, M., & Nantais, M. (2023). Reading Tiered Fidelity Inventory Secondary-Level Edition. (Version 2.2). Michigan Department of Education, Michigan’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports Technical Assistance Center.

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Melissa Weber-Mayrer ( is  the Chief of Literacy Achievement and Academic Success at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. Dr. Weber-Mayrer has experience teaching in large urban school districts in Ohio, New Jersey, and Illinois. Dr. Weber-Mayrer is dedicated to improving the literacy knowledge and skills of pre-service and in-service educators to ensure preparation for effective teaching of essential literacy skills at all grade levels.

Stephanie vandyke
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Stephanie VanDyke ( is the literacy coaching administrator at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.  She has been in the public education setting since 2005, serving as a teacher, interventionist, coach and administrator.  She is currently the state facilitator for ReadOhio Coaching, which is aimed at leveraging resources such as instructional/student focused coaching, teacher capacity, and state systems of support to achieve high student results.

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Sherine Tambyraja ( is a senior research strategist at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.

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