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    Learning Forward’s Melinda George discusses Title II in Education Week

    By Learning Forward
    August 2024

    Melinda George, Learning Forward’s chief policy officer, was featured in a recent Education Week article on how districts plan to use Title II funding.

    The article focused on new data from an Education Week survey showing that schools are spending a significant portion of their federally awarded Title II funds on elementary school teachers, particularly on those teaching reading and math. 53% of the 239 survey respondents said their district or school plans to use Title II money for the professional development of elementary teachers. 39% said funds would support math teacher professional learning. In the article, George noted educators’ interest in professional learning for math and literacy content.

    George pointed out that Title II funds are versatile and can be spent across all schools in a district, not just those that qualify for Title I. The funds can also be used to support leadership development to counter attrition of principals and superintendents. “This is an area where we have huge attrition right now,” George said.

    George also noted some promising ways to allocate the funding. “Instructional coaches are one of the best values of the Title II dollars,” George said. 22% of school and district leaders indicated the funds would go to instructional coaches during the next two years. 22% also said the money would go toward secondary reading and science teachers.

    You can read the full article here:

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