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    How can we develop leadership options for teachers?

    By Tracy Crow
    June 2017
    Vol. 38 No. 3
    My path to leadership was a winding one, and it eventually took me to the central office as a director of assessment and curriculum in a medium-sized urban district. I started as a mentor, led curriculum committees, and took opportunities where I found them, eventually getting my administrator’s license over the course of several years of night classes. Our district is now fully recognizing the importance of supporting teacher leaders, and we are looking ahead to intentionally crafting leadership options, both to strengthen career pathway options for educators and develop learning leaders in schools. I am so proud we are doing this, and I’m also eager to learn what this might look like and what we should consider along the way. We’ve been hearing from

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    Tracy Crow

    Each issue, we ask a learning professional to answer your professional learning questions. This month’s response comes from Tracy Crow, Learning Forward director of communications.

    Learning professionals: We want to hear from you!

    The “Ask” column is a way to open a dialogue with learning leaders about the issues you face daily. No topic is too broad or narrow. Whether you are struggling to establish a principal pipeline in a rural county or wondering how to find a literacy coach for your school, we’d like to discuss your concerns.

    Send your questions to Take as many words as you need to explain your question(s) — understanding that we may edit them for length or clarity.

    We look forward to hearing from you.


    Jensen, B., Sonnemann, J., Roberts-Hull, K., & Hunter, A. (2016). Beyond PD: Teacher professional learning in high-performing systems. Washington, DC: National Center on Education and the Economy. Available at

    Killion, J., Harrison, C., Colton, A., Bryan, C., Delehant, A., & Cooke, D. (2016). A systemic approach to elevating teacher leadership. Oxford, OH: Learning Forward. Available at

    Learning Forward. (2011). Standards for Professional Learning. Oxford, OH: Author.

    Teacher Leadership Exploratory Consortium. (2008). Teacher Leader Model Standards. Available at

    Image for aesthetic effect only - Tracy-crow-250x300-1
    Chief Strategy Officer (Retired) | + posts

    Tracy Crow served as chief strategy officer for Learning Forward.

    The Learning Professional

    Published Date


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