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    Resilient educators cultivate positive mindsets

    By Lindsay Prendergast and Piper Lee
    Categories: Resources, Social & emotional learning
    June 2024
    Educators face complex and challenging experiences daily that may cause stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. What is the difference between those who become overwhelmed by the difficulties and experience burnout and those who navigate problems with confidence and remain steadfastly optimistic no matter their environment? Research suggests that positive psychology — the study of what’s right with people rather than what’s wrong — may hold the answers (Luthans et al., 2015). By intentionally cultivating specific mindsets, educators can learn to withstand the external influences surrounding them that kill joy. In our book, Habits of Resilient Educators: Strategies for Thriving During Times of Anxiety, Doubt, and Constant Change, we explain how to apply four mindsets that help people thrive in any environment: hope, efficacy, resilience, and optimism.

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    Luthans, F., Youssef, C.M., & Avolio, B.J. (2015). Psychological capital and beyond. Oxford University Press.

    Prendergast, L. & Lee, P. (2024). Habits of resilient educators: Strategies for thriving during times of anxiety, doubt, and constant change. Corwin.

    Lindsay prendergast 150x188
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    Lindsay Prendergast has served schools and districts across the globe for nearly two decades as a leadership coach, consultant, principal, counselor, and teacher. She is currently Assistant Director of Learning Experiences for The Danielson Group (Framework for Teaching). Lindsay enjoys advocating for educators by writing and speaking around the world for organizations such as ASCD, Learning Forward, Edutopia, AMLE, and others around instructional leadership grounded in student-centered schools where teachers thrive.

    Piper lee
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    Piper Lee is an instructional leadership coach, with experience in education that includes teaching, administration, instructional coaching, professional learning facilitation, and leadership coaching. Most recently, Piper has been supporting district leaders, principals, and educators in one of the largest school districts in the country. She is motivated by a passion for improving effective teacher instruction and student success and believes that rigorous relationships help to create transformative schools and impact every aspect of our lives.

    Categories: Resources, Social & emotional learning

    The Learning Professional

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